APG All Precipitation Gauge APG-815
- APG Capability
instantaneous rain and snow, liquid water equivalent, accumulation, precipitation ID - Superior Technology
APG® uses Optical Scintillation which is superior to other methods - Long-term reliability
Operates unattended 24 hours/day, 7 days/week - Adaptive Heater Technology (AHT)
Ideal for solar operation - Data access
Low cost cellular modem option - Self-diagnostics & Testing
Continuously monitors performance and informs user of trouble - Low maintenance
OSI’s APG-815-DS uses proven optical scintillation technology and offers many performance and maintenance advantages over traditional tipping bucket and weighing type rain gauges
- Measurement of instantaneous precipitation rate; rainfall as light as 0.1 mm/hr. easily measured; no evaporation errors; can handle extremely high rain rates > 500mm/hr.; no overflow or mechanical limits to worry about
- No moving parts; operates 24/7 under harsh field conditions. No antifreeze chemicals
- Wind does not create sampling problems. Slant path rain errors are negligible.
- Functions in all weather; our sensors are operating on every continent year-round (including Antarctica)
- Intelligent sensor; automatic correction and continuous internal monitoring; operates unattended
- Pays for itself in maintenance & replacement costs alone; no on-site monitoring needed; lasts for years