Air/Gas Flow, Precipitation, Present Weather, Crosswinds & Atmospheric Turbulence
OSI has been developing the worlds most advanced scintillation based optical sensors for over 30 years. Our technology and sensors are often used for critical areas of infrastructure. environmental compliance & process control. OSI sensors are designed to work reliably for unattended field operations - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Featured Product
APG All Precipitation Gauge APG-815
OSI’s APG-815-DS uses proven optical scintillation technology and offers many performance and maintenance advantages over traditional tipping bucket and weighing type rain gauges.
Featured Product
OFS-2000 Optical Flow Sensor
OSi's patented Optical Flow Sensor (OFS) measurement is a instantaneous cross stack line average. OFS measures velocities from .03 -170 M/sec with a 2% +/- accuracy. OFS measurement technique has zero effect from changes in temperature, pressure, humidity, or gas composition. and is a non-intrusive measurement.